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PRJ Monas
Pemerintah Provinsi (Pemprov) DKI Jakarta akan menggelar acara Pekan Raya Jakarta di kawasan Monas untuk merayakan Hari Ulang Tahun (HUT) pada 2014. .
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City to Hold Jakarta Fair in Monas

Jakarta Provincial Government is going to hold Jakarta Fair (PRJ) in Monas to celebrate Jakarta’s anniversary this year. The event will be held simultaneously with the Jakarta Fair in Kemayoran.

The Jakarta Fair in Kemayoran held by PT JIExpo still exists. However, we also have our own version, which also Jakarta Fair, but with different objectives

The Jakarta Fair in Kemayoran held by PT JIExpo still exists. However, we also have our own version, which also Jakarta Fair, but with different objectives,” stated Jakarta Vice Governor Basuki T Purnama, at City Hall, Thursday (5/8).

Basuki pointed out that Jakarta Provincial Government and PT JIExpo do not have any qualms. As a matter of fact, the Jakarta Fair organizer has given various advantages, which one of them is by providing a special place for the small and medium-sized businesses (UKM) entrepreneurs guided by city government.

Basuki Positively Welcomes JFFF

“They (PT JIExpo) are kind now. They are starting to provide a place for us for free. Previously, the place must be rented,” he uttered.

According to Basuki, the implementation of Regional Creative Products Week (PPKD), which touted as Jakarta Fair rival in Monas, is not only a matter of two versions of Jakarta Fair.

“The governor’s principal is that the more festivals, events, and places for UKM entrepreneurs to sell are better,” he explained.

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